Qbig has developed several unique packaging technologies, dedicated to serve specific packaging challenges. We are certain that our versatile portfolio of technologies is able to serve your needs perfectly.
Minimal Handling
Our Free Flow Gusset technology is a real game changer. Due to its patented folding technique, your liner can be filled and discharged without manual handling during filling. Simply place the liner in the container, connect it to the filling installation, and start filling. No handling, no stress on liners – risks minimized. These minimal handling requirements make your supply chain more efficient.
In the end, we believe that it is not the packaging that counts, but what’s inside. We have designed every facet of our aseptic liquid bulk packaging to reach and preserve full sterility. Our state-of-the-art steamable valves are equipped with Conical Seal Technology, withstanding temperatures up to 145 degrees Celsius. Your liquids can be filled and discharged sterilely among even the most extreme circumstances.
How to find out what you need?
Minimal residual
Discharge your packaging efficiently. We offer liners that are crafted with as few seals as possible, moderating residual at a bare minimum of averagely 0,1%. Even typical high viscosity liquids leave behind a residual far under 1%. To us, every drop counts. The minimal residual is highly beneficial for high-value products such as cosmetics.
- Flexible order sizes
- Full assortment, directly available to order
- Endless possibilities to customize for your specific needs
What Qbig can do for you?
We offer a full selection of high-quality liners, fitments and auxiliary equipment for the liquid intermediate bulk packaging market. But above all, we offer the expertise to find a flawless solution to your specific challenges.
- Unparalleled performance
- Punctual delivery
- Flexible order sizes, from box quantities to full truckloads
- Complete assortment of products available from stock
- Nearly unlimited possibilities for made-to-order products
- Guides you every step of the way
- Accustomed to your industry and supply chain
- Innovative and patented technologies minimize human labor, risk and residual

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